The Battle Station (My Dev Setup 2022)

Steve Barbera
7 min readMar 23, 2022


Cable management needs some work

It’s always fun to see and read about a developers setup and what they are using. Sometimes you discover a new device or a new application that you integrate into your own.

Around when COVID hit I optimized my battle station so that I would have the best setup possible for me to work from home.

The Daily Driver
MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019) — 2.3ghz 8-Core Intel Core i9, 32GB DDR Memory. I’m still running macOS Big Sur, I’m slow to update to new versions of macOS. I like to wait for all the issues to be ironed out. I’ll update to Monterey pretty soon.

Desk Devices

DJ Setup

In addition to the desk setup my office also has a DJ station. The music from my laptop is all routed in to channel 1 on the mixer so that I can rock out during my work day.

  • Allen & Heath XONE4D. I started DJing using Traktor. The XONE4D is basically a large 4 channel mappable midi controller with a 3 band equalizer. Over the last couple of days I’ve switched over to using CDJs for my mixing so the Midi controller portion is not used as much.
  • Pioneer XDJ-1000MK2. I’ve really been enjoying these CDJs, the touch screen and search functionality makes it super easy to pick out that elusive track. It’s also great because when I have friends over they can plug in their USB sticks and get right to mixing.
  • Pioneer RMX-1000 effects and sampler. I call this the DJ fidget box. Lots of fun to play around with but I haven’t really mastered it to effectively and consistently add to my DJing.
  • MacBook Pro 15" (Mid 2015) 2.5Ghz Intel Core i7, 16GB DDR3. This is an old Mac I use to record my sets run Traktor, and manage my music with Rekordbox.
  • M-Audio M-Track | Two-Channel Portable USB Audio and MIDI Interface. This audio interface allows me to connect my main MacBook Pro to the mixer so I can listen to and record sets.
  • KRK Rokit 8 Gen 3 Powered Studio Monitors
  • Berhinger K10S subwoofer. I was gifted this subwoofer in 2021! I brought my DJ setup to Austin for a party weekend and the house all chipped in to get a subwoofer. At the end of the weekend they gifted it to me!
  • V-Moda Crossfade LP2 headphones


Vim, Tmux setup, working on a Laravel app

Terminal Commands and Aliases

I’m a huge fan of the CLI and customizing my environment to do more with less. Here are a couple of CLI commands that help me get information and move around quicker.

  • Autojump: In the command line I can hop around to different directories by just typing in: j down and it will take me to the ~/Downloads directory.
  • TLDR: Forgot how grep or sed works? Just type in tldr sed for some quick documentation on the command.
  • jq: Parse JSON documents, filter, extract and reorganize the data.
  • mop: Stock market ticker for hackers
  • wttr: Get the weather in your command line
  • bat: a clone with cat with some nice enhancements
  • ncdu: a replacement for du gives a great overview of disk usage. I have this aliased to alias du="ncdu --color dark -xe .
  • Want to impress your friends and co-workers with a cool matrix text scroll?
function matrix() {
while :;do echo $LINES $COLUMNS $(( $RANDOM % $COLUMNS)) $(printf "\U$(($RANDOM % 500))");sleep 0.05;done|awk '{a[$3]=0;for (x in a){o=a[x];a[x]=a[x]+1;printf "\033[%s;%sH\033[2;32m%s",o,x,$4;printf "\033[%s;%sH\033[1;37m%s\033[0;0H",a[x],x,$4;if (a[x] >= $1){a[x]=0;} }}'

Vim Plugins

I pretty much use Vim exclusively for my development. I’ve tried moving to VSCode but the shortcuts and hotkeys I have setup in Vim have been committed to muscle memory. So when moving to VSCode I just feel slow. Some Vim plugins I use to help me get around:

  • COC.nvim: A extension that provides contextual menus for snippets, code-completion, and code definitions.
  • Vim-snippets: Provides language default snippets and allows me to create my own.
  • Vim-surround: Delete, change, and add “surroundings” to text.
  • Nerdtree: A great directory tree explorer.
  • Vim-easymotion: Jump around your document with speed!
  • Syntastic: Language syntax checking.
  • vim-polyglot: Syntax highlighting for pretty much every language.
  • Vim-commentary: comment out lines of code with ease.
  • fzf: The command line fuzzy finder for vim
  • vim-test: Run your tests at the speed of thought.
  • tender.vim: My color theme for vim.

Thanks for reviewing my setup! Let me know if anything in here helped you or you would like some additional details about anything in particular. Also if you have any suggestions for devices, code, or apps let me know! I’m always exploring new tools.



Steve Barbera
Steve Barbera

Written by Steve Barbera

Full Stack Developer, Electronic music enthusiast, occasional tweeter.

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